Thermo Cube - Sphera Group s.r.o.

+420 226 886 248
+420 226 886 248
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RheoSense e-VROC Viscometer
RheoSense m-VROC Viscometer
RheoSense hts-VROC Viscometer
Thermo Cube
A thermoelectric temperature control system with full PID control of both heating and cooling.
The internal thermoelectric modules have lifetimes greater than 200,000 hours.

It provides 1-3 lpm of constant temperature coolant for controlling the operating temperatures of lasers, medical equipment, semiconductor equipment, or any process requiring temperature control.
It also has a cycling feature where two different temperature set points may be entered with a soak time at each temperature and the number of cycles desired.
From conception, this chiller has been designed for long life and ease of use.

Technical specifications
Range: 4 – 68 °C with 100 μl, 250 μl, 500 μl, and 1000 μl syringe jackets
Range: 4 – 65 °C with 10 ml syringe jacket
Stability: +/- 0.075 °C
Ramping rate and settling time: 6 °C/minute plus 3 minutes when heating, 4 °C/minute plus 3 minutes when cooling
Dimensions (L x W x H): 32 x 28 x 32 cm
Weight: 12.7 k
Related products
RheoSense e-VROC Viscometer
RheoSense m-VROC Viscometer
RheoSense hts-VROC Viscometer
Request a quote for Thermo Cube or contact us directly here.
Thank you!
Head Office Address:
Průmyslová 1306/7, Průmyslová 7 Business Park
102 00 Praha, Czech Republic

Tel: +420 226 886 248

Business hours
Mon 08:00 - 17:00
Tue 08:00 - 17:00
Wed 08:00 - 17:00
Thu 08:00 - 17:00
Fri 08:00 - 17:00

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